Earlier today (still April 1st) Ebbe Linden aka Ebbe Altberg CEO of Linden Lab, posted this mysterious message on twitter;


A very exciting message although also a little mysterious.

Has an official decision been made about Lindens are going to be inworld more often?

Snapshot_005For some time now people started noticing that Lindens were becoming a rare sight, much to everyone’s dismay.
Most of us like seeing a Linden pop in during events or just wandering around.
Last year I heard rumours about there being some sort of restrictions about Lindens being allowed ‘out in the wild’ and it would be fantastic if that has now been overturned.

Being a rather demure and subtle lady, I immediately decided to try and test Ebbe’s post;


Schnaps and stroopwafels, an offer impossible to resist!

Snapshot_029Although I didn’t really expect him to pop up in 1920s Berlin within minutes of that post!

He joined me in Der Keller, the bar where we have our daily Happy Hour and as promised I poured him a virtual schnaps and stroopwafels were on the bar.
It was nice to see he was no longer using the starter kit Robot avatar but had turned into a nice
Snapshot_023The bar soon filled up, someone must have been shouting Ebbe’s arrival off the rooftops… maybe some Dutch bar lady or something… 😉

He stayed for over half an hour chatting with everyone, enjoying the 1920s music and even answering a few questions.

Pierre Webb: Is it true the rumors about the sale of SL to FacebooK?

Ebbe Linden: Pierre, you have to ask Frau Jo Yardley about that rumor…

Of course I know nothing about that, but I assume he was talking about my April fools joke.

Augusta Carolina Maria v.Nassau (gardengirl): I would like to know what plans you might have going for education and SL
Ebbe Linden: First I have to listen to the education folks and understand what we can do for them…hope to learn a lot at the upcoming education conference coming up…

Oh and in case you’re wondering, he hasn’t got a Linden Bear to give away yet.

There was also some general banter and chit chat, but I was rather happy with his last words;

Ebbe Linden: Frau Yardley, sorry I have to leave now…I look forward to coming back…thank you!

We look forward to his return and hope that Lindens will now indeed be encouraged or even told to go spend more time inworld and that we’ll see some of them in 1920s Berlin again as well.


Auf wiedersehen Herr Linden!

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