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The Project Sansar website has recently come online and shows the login page.

You can see the page yourself by clicking here, it is animated and several wireframe creations appear.

As those invited to the workshop at Linden Lab tomorrow will have to sign an NDA, these images may be all we’ll get to look at for a while.

I did try and send an email to the ‘forgot password’ address, but alas, it came back to me, no luck in trying to blag myself into the Project 😉

Make sure to check the collage of all the wireframe images made by Ernst Dommershuijzen at the bottom of this blog.

What do you think of the page?

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Collage of all the wireframe images, made by Ernst Dommershuijzen.

Collage of all the wireframe images, made by Ernst Dommershuijzen.