Drax & Ebbe at SVVR

the drax files radio hour

show #114 show #114

svvr 2016 – the third installment of this conference – is concluding as this show goes to air: three days of the newest vr gear in the expo hall plus panels and talks about immersive storytelling, 360 video best practices and a fireside chat with palmer luckey.

what more do you want?

well, if you are a drax files fan you want linden lab ceo ebbe altberg give you a bit more info on the just announced invite for creatots to project sansar. and that is what we have today – a brief chat in the hallway about what we can expect from this next generation virtual world.

all the other hours of interviews conducted with vr luminaries and product pitch-men/women = you have to wait another week.

here is ebbe:

and as indicated: all the other stuff – infinadeck, project alice, drax talking to timoni west from…

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